Saturday, 11 January 2014


What is the Silent City?

It's an adventuring location for playing RPGs - old style RPGs where you play as an imaginary character, that is, like D&D or Runequest - based on a map of Leicester (the Silent City of the title). This is built using GoogleMaps and can currently be found here -

As it starts, I expect it will use a lot of material from the D&D site, particularly the Art & Map Gallery Archives at which provide a brilliant resource for gamers.

Read, explore, use what seems useful, collaborate in the creation of the world: that's pretty much the point.

As a caveat, the idea is to make this non-system specific, but that is in fact extremely hard. My default setting is OD&D as this is the game I'm most familiar with. I will refer to 'Strength' and 'Constitution' and 'Wisdom' and 'Hit Points'. Not only that, I'll assume that a healing of d3 Hit Points is worth having. For other systems, some of the terms may be obscure. Apologies for that; I hope the intent is clear at least, even if the mechanics may take a little work to convert.

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